Monday, October 27, 2014

Coming Soon Great Animal Kaiser Bigger 4

oh no more dangerous coming to animal kingdom!
What will happened to them!!!!!!

Two Powerfull Boss

The Mos powerfull bos in Animalkaiser. They is stronger and now want cant stop them. protect the peacfull of animal kingdom

Monday, October 20, 2014

Great Animal Kaiser Bigger Price

this is great animal Kaiser bigger price, you can get in store. And you can get more price next time

Great Animal Kaiser Bigger Ver.3 Types Missions

this is Types Missions of animal Kaiser in  japan

Great Animal Kaiser Bigger ver.3 Trailer enjoy the video

Great Animal Kaiser Bigger 2

The best game of the year. Great Animal Kaiser Bigger 2,the first dinosaur in the game of animal Kaiser. The coolest game for animal Kaiser. theres many creatures dinosaur like t-rex,triceretpos,allosaurus,spinososaurus and many more, having great information

The New Great Animal Kaiser Bigger Version 3

The New Update Game in Tokyo Great Animal Kaiser Bigger Version 3, if cam to Japan you can play in there. Enjoy and having great fun play Great Animal Kaiser Bigger version 3

Sunday, October 19, 2014

High Score Rangking

This Information tell us about our high rangking in great animal Kaiser,so don't lost your GAK ID CARD! it's importan to save our data

Defeated Bosses Rangking

New Update Defeated Demons Mammoth Gigantos

this information told hwo the high rangking defeated Demons Bull Algol

Great Animal Kaiser Types of Missions

this is how you can play Types of mission, good luck to complet the missions

Great Animal Kaiser version 1 Trailer

this is great Animal Kaiser English version 1 video, please enjoy the video!

Great Animal Kaiser version 5

this is the great animl Kaiser god version 5 machine, you can play in japan

great animal kaiser bigger version 1

great animal Kaiser bigger version 1. the newst game in Japan, so if you go to Tokyo, you can play great animal Kaiser bigger in there